The Ultimate Guide to Marketing

There’s no point in being pretty if you’re not useful (some playboys might argue with me there), an infographic really needs to be both. It should be eye-catching and use content that makes people want to look at the whole thing. Some have so much information crowded into them that they’re not enjoyable. Design (which […]

8 ways brand advertisers, ad agencies, and AdTech companies can boost insights and ROI with the Media Data Cloud

Brand advertisers, advertising and marketing agencies, and advertising technology companies are rapidly adapting to a changing digital media landscape. Consumers are taking steps to remove advertising and tracking from their online experiences, and viewing habits differ greatly among consumers based on their demographic and psychographic profiles. The media industry is also facing increased regulatory and […]

Guarantee the Success of Your Display Campaigns

With increased market noise and competition for your audience’s attention, making sure your brand stays on top of your buyer’s minds can be challenging. However, research¹ shows that well-thought-out brand advertising campaigns impact IT buyers’ decisions across every stage of the funnel. In this infographic, we look at how you can track performance of your […]

Podcast Advertising: Fuelling Revenue Through Engagement

Podcast advertising allows you to speak directly to potential customers through an audio ad. You can have select podcast hosts talk up your brand, or hire voice talent to help you create an ad to be placed at the beginning (preroll), middle (midroll), or end (postroll) of an episode.

Performance Television – The New and Improved TV Advertising

We know it can be daunting to take on yet another advertising channel, especially if you’re not familiar with performance television (or even if you are). Here’s some good news, though: many advertisers, maybe even in your industry, are currently succeeding using CTV. So rather than reinventing the wheel, you might as well borrow from […]

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