A Complete Guide to Using Google Ads With Your ChannelPartners

Resellers don’t choose not to adopt digital marketing but they do struggle to do it on their own, meaning your channel partners may need your help to embrace it. We have all evolved into ‘digital’ humans in a world that continues to shift to more digital solutions. This revolution has caused a shift in the […]

Customer Centricity in the Telecommunications Industry

These competitive forces particularly apply to the telecommunications industry. Within the telecommunications Category, competitors continue to slug it out for increasingly demanding customers who treat products and Services as commodities and where price unfortunately becomes the only differentiator. Faced by eroding pricing Power, telecommunications executives find themselves in a downward spiral of price deflation and […]

Blockchain Revolution in Digital display advertising

This Whitepaper is intended for informational purposes only and does not imply any elements of the contractual or legally binding relationship. The primary purpose of the Whitepaper is to present our company’s project and to provide important information to potential holders of ADSi tokens. This will facilitate the decision-making process regarding further association with AdSigma […]

How to Run a Successful B2B Content Syndication Campaign

OpGen Media has built the blueprint to run a successful B2B Content Syndication campaign through lead nurturing. Just producing content isn’t enough – companies must do more to educate their prospects and build authority. What if you could tap into an audience that already uses complementary products and services? What if that audience is currently […]

A Roadmap to Digital Value in the Retail Industry

Digital disruption is happening in retail (something most retail executives acknowledge), yet less than one-quarter of retailers are actively doing anything about it. Disruption presents both a major threat and a big opportunity. Failing to adapt puts you at high risk of being displaced. “Disrupting yourself” and becoming a digital retailer opens up a world […]

Definitive Guide To Engaging Email Marketing

Buyers today are more empowered. Information is abundantly and overwhelmingly available, and buyers are using that easy access to tune out unwanted marketing messages while simultaneously seizing control of their buying processes. In this environment, old-fashioned “batch and blast” email will serve only to alienate buyers. With short attention spans and intelligent buying and browsing […]

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