8 Rules of Marketing to Millennials

Up to this point, there has not existed a more complex and nontraditional generation than Millennials. That is, individuals who range approximately anywhere from ages 18 to 35 today. Not only are they the largest generation by population size, which has tremendous influence on their role as the leading consumers today, but the environment in which they were raised has cultivated an entirely new approach to their values and way of life. These 75 million individuals grew up in an age of technology and global connections—where handwritten letters only existed in romantic movies and children learned how to navigate an iPod before learning how to tie their shoes. With this, unlimited access to diverse knowledge, ideas and experiences is made available to them.

So why does this matter? This is a generation of ideas and personal choice. This independent generation is all about making their own decisions and customizing things to suit their values, needs and desires. When it comes to marketing, Millennials know what they want and won’t settle for anything that falls short of meeting their expectations. Companies are realizing this and are forced to reevaluate their current marketing strategies in order to win the attention and loyalty of this generation.

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